Issues Landing Locally
In our neighborhood.
In our District 12.
Issues that as your Alder will directly affect
You. Me. US.
From knocking on doors (thousands) hearing you (listening to our neighbors, in our neighborhood) I know that District 12, and the diversity of people in it, is concerned about having a say in their city.
As one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the city, more than anything else, UNIFORMLY, you said:
You want to be heard;
You not only want to be heard but have the right to be informed and give input about decisions affecting your neighborhood;
You said, you not only want to be heard, have the right to be informed and give input but most importantly you want to be told about what’s what in a transparent and accountable manner and done through the lens of integrity.
This is true whether you said you said you cared about:
Being taxed or not or simply being able to afford to live in your neighborhood;
Honoring, attending to and balancing out public safety and in the balance finding the right approach;
Fielding through race, diversity, equity and inclusion or not (DEI in action);
Dealing with environment, the toxins (PFAS/Noise/ or our shared greenspaces);
Looking for and supporting places and space for local economic developments (like the Public Market);
Learning and accepting differences and different needs;
Understanding economic disparities or not;
Dealing with the future of our ability as a whole to pay for and maintain services and balance the budget;
Worrying about child, family care or caring for our seniors;
Addressing justice, racial or educational disparities or not;
Looking at transportation issues of all kinds, of all sorts including your basic ability to cross the street without being hit and;
Having a variety of housing available — not only being affordable & equitable but marketable & within reach (today and in the future).
Supporting housing development that is constructed conscientiously meaning there is transparency in the process, input is heard and valued, the landscape, the past and the future is considered in order to get to a diverse, inclusive and equitable result.
Like family, you want to live and be part of a neighborhood that you love, where there is a sense of security, support, access; where you have and see economic growth and opportunity and can afford it. You want a growing neighborhood that tends to its issues, its relations, its community, in community, just as you do in your own family, with your own friends, in your own backyard.
As your Alder and as someone who cares deeply about community, coming from a family line of advisors, advocates and changemakers, I want the same thing and I would be honored to do the work, listen, hear and in earnest work together as TOGETHER, we can problem-solve to create a community we love and:
REMOVE barriers to your well-being
MAKE our shared neighborhoods safer for everyone
DEAL with traffic, traffic safety and transportation issues that affect all of us in different ways
PROMOTE and support opportunities to help grow local employment and neighborhood economies
WORK on our housing concerns in a conscious way which includes affordable housing and housing within reach
SUPPORT our neighborhood associations, community spaces, placemaking and continue to find ways to create more neighborhood connectivity
ADVOCATE for a diversity of economic development opportunities including the Public Market; supporting small business, nonprofits as well as inclusive and innovative tech and development markets
PUSH for solutions to known toxic and long-term environmental impacts including dealing with noise mitigation, PFAS/water issues, and other long-term environmental concerns that directly affect the people and places in our neighborhood
Balance out what you care about, what I care about, what our neighbors care about
You. Me. US.
When WE problem-solve TOGETHER, we build upon the past and move forward into the possibility of a peaceful future that works for everyone; creating a neighborhood and community we love.
“If past is present then we already know that whatever affects one group overtime affects all of us”